The general waste bin is for most of the items that cannot be placed in your recycling and garden vegetation bins. Your red lid bin is for general waste only. This bin is collected weekly. The following can be placed in your red lid general waste bin: The following can be placed in your red lid general waste bin Food scraps Plastic bags Plastic wrappers Disposable nappies Polystyrene and Styrofoam Light globes and Pyrex Other mixed garbage Items not accepted in your red lid general waste bin: Items not accepted in your red lid general waste bin Car batteries Fire extinguishers Gas bottles Hazardous materials Liquid waste Chemicals Paints and oils Medical waste Building materials If you put the wrong items into your general waste bin, it may not be collected. COVID-19: Safe Waste Disposal Procedures Any individuals asked to self-isolate, either as a precaution or because they are confirmed to have Coronavirus (COVID-19), should observe the following advice to dispose of their household waste to ensure the virus is not spread via personal waste: • Individuals should place all personal waste such as used tissues, gloves, paper towels, wipes, and masks securely in a plastic bag or bin liner;• Bag should be filled no fuller than 80% so that it can be tied securely without spillage;• This plastic bag should then be placed in another plastic bag and securely tied;• These bags must be disposed of in your red lidded garbage bin. General Waste Tips Try the following tips to ensure an odour free bin: Use bin liners to contain your rubbish before placing it in the general waste bin and make sure you tie them up Freeze waste foods such as meat, fish and prawn shells. Place them in the bin the night before collection. This will help slow down the bacteria that break food down causing it to smell Try using deodorised biodegradable nappy bags for the effective disposal of nappies Ensure your bin is not overfilled and the lid is properly closed If possible, keep your bin in a cool shady place and under cover when raining What happens to your general waste? On a weekly basis, general waste bins are collected by Cleanaway and taken directly to the landfill sites at Buttonderry Waste Management Facility and Woy Woy Waste Management Facility. Here, the rubbish is tipped onto the site and managed through the landfill operations. The items that are taken to the landfill will stay there forever, there is no further sorting of these items.